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19 March 2010

Favorite Friday

I'm working out the kinks for Favorite Friday, but today it's going to be about my favorite thing today.  Today in Denver, Colorado it is snowing its' proverbial brains out!  It's blowing sideways snow - the kind that gets into your ear when you're walking outside!  I just got about two pounds of ear snow while leaving work.  So my favorite thing to do when it's snowing like it is, is to cuddle up under a blanket with a good book, all cozy and comfy.  What book should I read today?  And what is your favorite things to do when it's snowing all crazy?
                                                    comic courtesy of

Toast of the day:
Here's to the first sip of that perfect hot cider or cocoa!!  (Cider - also a favorite thing to drink when it's snowing!!)


  1. I am so glad that snow is in the past for me, I've been in Houston now for two years and when it even somewhat flurries Houston shuts down, but in Des Moines, IA they got hit again yesterday, I felt bad for them... but they could move here!!!

    However to answer question, hot cocoa a good book and a nice warm blanket snuggling with my honey would be perfect!!!

    Oh how I love cider, I forgot about cider!!! YUM!

  2. I'm reading HEX HALL by Rachel Hawkins and so far it's quite good. I haven't had a nice snowy day to curl up with it though so I'm in total envy of you right now! Have fun!

  3. Thanks for the comments ladies! And I checked out Hex Hall, it looks good! I'll have to pick it up!



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